Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Reflection For Jungle Book

I liked the story and the adventures in it. But apart from the
interesting content, there is also very important values in it for
us to learn from - The values of being a scout .
1) Perserverance
Even though the wolves and the men turned their back on
Mowgli, he did not give up but continued trying
It was surprising that humans and wolves could be friends
as humans would normally think that wolves were dangerous
and most proably hunt them down. However, Mowgli was
raised by wolves and he loved them.
3) Loyalty
On of the wolves, was extremely loyal and even in the toughest
of times, it would always be by Mowgli's side no matter what.
4) Trust
When the wolves needed Mowgli he would be there for them.
He gained the wolves trust by doing so.


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