Tuesday, May 22, 2012

First Aid

The basic thing about first aid is to know how to help if somone is in need. The other things you will need to know includes calling someone for help, dialing the ambulance ( 995 ) and dialing another ambulance ( 1777 )

Calling for help
When helping someone, if you are unsure of what to do, please do not take any action as you may injure the person further. Instead, call an adult for help. If none is present at that time, seek the best that you can. If all fails, dial either one of the ambulances.

Dialling the Ambulance
There are two types of ambulances. One is the one that is only dialed for if it is a real emergency. Such examples are : The person has fainted, bleeding profusely or needs extensive help immediately. the ambulance will arrive in roughly about three- ten minutes depending on the distance apart. Another one is the one that is called when it is still an emergency but not as serious as the ones mentuioned above.
Such example are : An extremely bad stomache, Extremely bad headaxche or broke your bone ( a minor break but still serious )

First Aid Kit
These are the basic things that you should have in your fist aid kit :
Antispetic Cream
Triangular Bandage
Sciccors Tape
Plaster Cloth
Alchol Swab
Cotton Buds

Uses of basic things

Antispetic Cream : To kill the bacteria and help in healing cuts and scars
Triangular Bandage : Uses are mentioned in Scout Uniform Post
Sciccors :  Must be clean ! To cut the tape.
Tape : To bandage the wound
Plaster : To Stick on wound
Cloth : To clean wound
Alchol Swab : To kill all germs in the wound thoroughly
Cotton Buds : To dab medicine onto the wound

Tweezers : To pick things used up as your hands may contain germs and spread it to the wound when used

Adiji Yell

Adiji adiji ah-oo-ah
Adiji adiji zim-boom-bah
Zim-boom -bah
Rah Rah Rah

Hokey Pokey ( song )

Right hand
You put your right hand in
You put your right hand out
It goes in out in out shake it all about
You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around
That's what its all about

Left hand
You put your left hand in
You put your left hand out
It goes in out in out shake it all about
That's what its all about

Everybody Sing
Hey hokey pokey
hey hokey pokey
That's what it's all about

Right Foot
You put your right foot in
You put your right foot out
It goes in out in out shake it all about
That's what it's all about

Left foot
You put your left foot in
You put your left foot out
It goes in out in out shake it all about
That's what it's all about

Everybody Sing
Hey hokey pokey
hey hokey pokey
That's what it's all about

You put your butt in
You put your butt out
It goes in out in out shake it all about
That's what it's all about

Whole self
You put your whole self in
You put your whole self out
It goes in out in out shake it all about
That's what it's all about


Dear God,
Please protect my family and I and make sure we are safe our entire life.
Allow us to have a happy and enjoyable life. Help us through our difficulties
and guide us along the way. Please do not let any harm come our way.

Good Deed Diary

 Mon :  Clean the dining table after eating
            Helped washed the dishes
Tue :   Helped sister carry her school bag
Wed : Held the lift open for my neighbour
          Helped washed the dishes

Thur : Helped my mother carry groceries
Fri : Helped sweep the floor 
Sat : help my sister make her bed
Sun : Helped someone to pick up  their things when they dropped it and returned to them.

Soaring Eagle Cheer

Don't mess with the best
Cause the best don't mess
Don't fool with the cool
Cause the cool don't fool                                                            
Don't Mess ( clap x3 )
Don't Fool  ( calp x3 )
Don't mess with the best cause we are the best
Soaring Eagles Number 1
Ooh ah ah ah ooh ah ah ah ooh ah ah ah
Whatsup Whatsup

Father Abraham (song)

Father Abrahamhad 7 children
And 7 children had father Abraham
Some of them were tall
Some of them were short
But none of them were bright

( Repeat 5 times)

When repeating each time, use these headings :

1st time : Raise your right

2nd time : Raise your right, Raise your left

3rd time : Raise your right, Raise your left, Stamp your right

4th time : Raise your right, Raise your left, Stamp your right, Stamp your left, Stick out your butt

5th time : Raise your right, Raise your left, stamp your right, stampyour left, stickout your butt, stickout your tongue


Reflection For Treasure Hunt

I enjoyed the treasure hunt but it was a bit hard to win as
our six was not very co operative. I guess we were not used
to working with different people yet. We also did not want to
listen to each other as it felt like being bossed around. We
really needed to work on our co operation skills. Maybe we can                   
first plan our move, listen to one another and not boss others around.



Reflection For Jungle Book

I liked the story and the adventures in it. But apart from the
interesting content, there is also very important values in it for
us to learn from - The values of being a scout .
1) Perserverance
Even though the wolves and the men turned their back on
Mowgli, he did not give up but continued trying
It was surprising that humans and wolves could be friends
as humans would normally think that wolves were dangerous
and most proably hunt them down. However, Mowgli was
raised by wolves and he loved them.
3) Loyalty
On of the wolves, was extremely loyal and even in the toughest
of times, it would always be by Mowgli's side no matter what.
4) Trust
When the wolves needed Mowgli he would be there for them.
He gained the wolves trust by doing so.


Tracking Symbols

Onion Yell & Gako Frog

Onion Yell :
Onion Onion Onion
Poot Poot Poot
Bawang Bawang Bawang
Toot Toot Toot
Onion Poot
Bawang Toot
Everybody smell my POOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!

Gako Frog :
Kaero no yo mawari,
Gako Gako geko piong piong
Hapa luke Hapa luke
Gako Geko poing
Gako piong
Geko piong
Gako Geko piong

Gako gako ga…..piong piong piong
Geko geko ge….. piong piong
Gako piong Geko piong
Gako geko piong

My Six - Stag

Name                                 Rank                                        Number
Danish Tan                        Senior Sixer                               90408370
Wong Yu - Hen                 Asisstant sixer                           65554246
Cheng Han                        Asissitant Sixer                          97831505
Dave                                 Brother                                      67554772
Richard                             Brother                                      66988513
Ernest                               Brother                                             -

Finger Fencing (Game)

How to play : Hold hands with the oppoment and your
finger facing the oppoment.
To Win : Your finger has to touch the oppoment's shoulder
* You are not allowed to move your feet
*Touching other parts of the body does not count as a win