Saturday, March 24, 2012

Opening Ceromony

1 ) Stand in horse-shoe position. Akela / Bagira will move their hands
 down slowly. Cub scouts follow hands and bend down. When at squatting
position, put fingers on the ground ( pointer and middle in front and
thumb behind. )

2) Akela / Bagira will say  "Cubs Do Your Best! " Cubs say "  Akela / Bagira
We Will Do Our Best!" while standing up and when up straight, put hand beside
head ( touching the head with hands at salute position. ) for a while then put down.

3) Senior sixer and Assistant Sixer will come out and Shout " Scouts Sediya " Followed
by " On my honour " ( Scouts Promise. ) Senior Sixer and Assistant Sixer turn and face
the flag. Assistant Sixer pull string and break the flag. Then only Senior and Assistant Sixer
Salute to flag the turn back to face Cub Scouts.

4) Senior Sixer will shout " Caps Off  " Follow instructions. ( When your cap is off, say a prayer
to god ). Then Senior Sixer will shout " Caps On " follow. Then a command " tie a knot will be given.
follow the instructions. ( The knot is to remind us to do a good deed. Once you have done one, the
knot may be undone. )

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